**Pawel Kacprzak**
Last update: 2023-05-29
[Old version (for legacy reasons)](old.md.html)
If you are interested in how I started [Chessvision.ai](https://chessvision.ai) and how it evolved over time, please visit the [Chessvision.ai Blog](https://blog.chessvision.ai) or specifically read the post titled [How I started Chessvision.ai](https://blog.chessvision.ai/chessvision.ai/how-i-started-chessvision-ai/)
Pawel Kacprzak (pkacprzak)
: *Founder at Chessvision.ai*
_Scan and Analyze chess positions from websites, books, images, and videos_
: *Co-founder at Chatflow*
_Chatbots for enterprises in SaaS model_
Earlier in my career, I was involved in indie game development and competitive programming.
Sc.M. (2014)
: *University of Wroclaw* Computer Science
Thesis: _Aggregate functions in distributed and centralized computing models_
Advisor: _Marcin Bienkowski_
B.S. (2011)
: *University of Wroclaw* Computer Science
*Bringing Chess Diagrams To Life*
March 18, 2023, London Chess Conference 2023
[Video Recording](https://www.youtube.com/live/Sha8KnwSp6U?feature=share&t=3350)
*Computer Science and Chess*
June 16, 2022, Infoszach YouTube channel
[Video Recording (in Polish)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNY5INhBoVc)
*Get More From Chess Videos*
December 6, 2020, ChessTech Conference 2020
[Video Recording](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdpiSgBq9CA&t=3196s)
*Finding dense subgraphs in social networks in MapReduce model*
June 5, 2012, University of Wroclaw
[Slides (in Polish)](talks/map_reduce_dense_subgraphs/slides.pdf)
*Distributed Selection: A missing Piece of Data Aggregation*
December 4, 2012, University of Wroclaw
[Slides (in Polish)](talks/distributed_selection/slides.pdf)
*Planar point location using persistent search trees*
_or how to make a pointer data structure persistent_
December 19, 2011, University of Wroclaw
[Slides (in Polish)](talks/planar_point_location/slides.pdf)